ua en

Academic journal.

Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

To the author

Requirements for articles submitted
in the «Academic journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering»


The «Academic journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering» accepts for publication original articles that have never been published anywhere before.


Basic requirements to Authors

Articles should be submitted in Word 97 − 2003 file format *.doc (Word 2007 – 2010 file format *.docx should not be used).

Article title should be printed with Roman letters, contain the first author surname and the date of material presentation (e.g. Petrenko_20_09_2015.doc).

The text is printed by an example (design example is attached), on one side of a standard A4 paper sheets, Times New Roman, with single line spacing, indenture – 0,5 cm, top margin - 2,0 cm, the others – 2,5 cm.

Articles should be given in Ukrainian, Russian and English and are printed after confirmation only in English.


Obligatory elements of the article are the following:

− UDC identifier;

the last name and initials (if there are several authors the last name and initials of each author should be given); academic degree, academic status, ORCID, e-mail, place of work;

− title;

− article review;

− key words (in the nominative case, 3-5 in number);

− the main article body (at least 5 pages).

The last name, initials, academic degree, position, educational institution, title, article review , key words are replicated in English (0,5 p.) and in Ukrainian (0,5 p.).

In accordance with the Ukraine’s Presidium Higher Attestation Commission Decree of №7-05/1 dated 15.01.2003 (HAC Statement of Ukraine №1, 2003) the structure of the body of the article should contain the following elements:

– introduction (the problem definition in general terms and its connection with the important scientific and practical tasks);

– review of the latest research sources and publications where the problem solution is mentioned (it is desirable to analyze of recent publications in academic magazines) and relied upon by the author;

– definition of unsolved aspects of the problem which are illuminated by the article;

– problem statement (formulation of goal and problems research methods regarded in the article);

– basic material and results (summary of the basic material with full justification of scientific results);

– conclusions (scientific innovation, scientific value of research results, recommendations for further research in this area);

– references (first of all the journal articles that are referred to by the author in the review of recent research sources and publications). In addition, please pay your attention to the bibliography submission guidelines according to the new State Standards of Ukraine GOST 7.1: 2006 «Bibliographic records. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of bibliography». The latest used publications and research sources should be placed primarily, at least half of foreign references should be pointed.


Tables should be done in Excel or Word without colour filling. Each table should be printed with the appropriate title and numbering after the first reference to it. Table width must not exceed 15.5 cm.

Formulas are be printed in Equation 3.0 formula editor, only with common typestyles (Times New Roman, Symbol). Each formula is printed as single object (size full – 12 pt).

Graphics should be made in Word, grouped and represented as a single graphics object. All illustrations should be submitted in black-and-white or gray scale colour. Dashed graphic objects, charts, diagrams are to be performed in WMF or TIFF format. Illustrations are included (without OLE-connection, each illustration is a single object) into the article’s text after the first reference to it. Width of any illustration should not exceed15.5 cm.

Such symbols as dash (–) and hyphen (-) should be distinguished; the main difference is that there are blanks before and after a dash.

The article should enclose:

– the author’s affiliation (information about the author): surname, first name, father’s name (in full); academic rank, academic degree; position, place of employment; contact address and phone numbers, e-mail; address which a copy of the magazine should be sent to; the article’s title;

– Doctor of Engineering referee report (2 pcs) with a recommendation for publication
(for article written by postgraduates, degree-seeking applicants, PhDs);


Articles that do not meet the above requirements are not accepted for publication.

The manuscripts are the subject for the additional review done by the Editorial Board members. The article can be returned for upgrading. The final decision on the article publication is taken by the Editorial Board of the journal.

The rejected original is not returned.


Materials are sent by ordinary postal mail to the address:

National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Pershotravnevyi Avenue, 24, scientific-research department.

Poltava, 36011

Contact person: Levchenko Olena

Tel. / Fax: (05322) 2-98-75.


University website:


If the materials are sent by the mail or be the e-mail please call us to verify the article’s being received and accepted for publication.


Thank you for your support!




Thank you for your cooperation!


Family name


First name


Father’s name


Academic rank


Academic degree


Position occupied

post-graduate student of the Department… ……


Mykhailo Nugan-Baranovsky Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade



Home telephone


Mobile number




Article title


Subject Milestone

Civil Engineering

Mailing address, where a copy must be sent to


Savchenko O.I.

Stepnogo Frontu str., 22, flat. 18,







Reviewing of articles carries out by tow independent doctors of sciences or by one doctor of sciences for doctor’s (professor’s) articles. One of reviewers necessarily is an Ukrainian or foreign member of Editorial Board of Academic journal.

A reviewer in writing presents in Editorial Boarda review in that confirms absence of conflict of interests, accordance to the requirements, possible remarks and conclusion regarding acceptance of the article for publication or its rejection. The form of review is stated below; in it there are criteria after that the article is accepted or rejected.

For an author a review is anonymous, the names of reviewers are non-disclosed in Academic journal issues.

The remarks of reviewers that need a correction are sent to the author by the Executive Secretary. The answers of author and corrected variant of the article are again sent to the reviewer. The article can be published only at presence of two positive reviews.


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