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Academic journal.

Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

№ 1 (46) 2016

Title letter


Anish’enko О., Kukhar V., Prysiazhnyi A., Glazko V., Yasko S.

Investigation of elastic deformation of polyurethane parts of the die-tool


Gorbatiuk I., Gorbatiuk M.

Mathematical model of action of microrelief on out of control moving of working organ of ripper


Deryabkinа E.

Influence of heat input welding resistance to crystallization cracks of steel welded jointa 45L


Pichugin S., Patenko Yu., Volodchenko M., Uznadzev E.

Comparative analysis of influences of multiwheel travelling cranes of national and foreign producers


Bitko M., Kuznetsova O., Boiko V.

Experimental and statistical investigation of heavy concrete creep characteristics with its aging considere


Storozhenko L., Gasii G.

The features of structural concept and designing of the full-length experimental module of the composite steel and concrete grid-cable roof


Semko V., Leshсhenko M., Rud A.

Experimental study of variability of thermal conductivity of insulation materials


Gibalenko О.

Monitoring of steel structures corrosion the rick level regard for structural parameters and conditions of use


Samedov A., Tkach D.

Nonliner deformable solids and waterlogged ground water resistance in compression


Tugaenko Y., Marchenko M., Loginova L., Abuladze L.

Influence of capillary moisture-capacity on the relation of phases and phase components in the loess soils


Sedin V., Zagilsky V.

On the issue of «soil – foundation – structure» system interaction for the NPP constructions under seismic impact


Zotsenko N., Shokarev V., Shapoval A., Gritsenko V., Svyatun R.

Strengthening the base warehouse capacity 26,000 tons of oil in Mariupol


Sernov V., Soroko R.

Estimation of efficiency of local bored piles in the base of high-rise building raft foundations


Bikus K.

Numeric simulation of stress-strain state of continuous flight auger pile foot under repeated static loading


Vynnykov Yu., Kharchenko М., Antonets E., Lytvyn Y., Benedito Caialo, Omelchenko P., Sukhodub О.

Scientific and technical support of new construction for historic buildings saving


Kornienko M., Zhuk V., Abed S.

Stress state of the soil basis foundation, fixing soil-clay-cement piles, by results of numerical simulation


Pichugin S., Rozko V., Vynnykov P.

Verification of the pipeline deformational model in non-standard soil conditions


Yagolnyk A., Marchenko V.

Stiffness analysis of landslide slopes after soil properties change


Voskobiynyk S.

Detaling of fiber reinforcing footings peculiarites


Semko О., Voskobiynyk E.

Building areas analysis of Poltava due to renovation possibilities of industrial zones and objects


Rudenko M.

Preconditions of public buildings and structures forming on the territory of Kryvyi Rih quarries


Deshko V., Buyak N.

The impact of solar radiation on human thermal comfort


Yegorchenkov V., Drozdov L.

Method of lighting system optimization in industrial buildings


Otrosh Yu.

Technical state estimation of walls and floor slabs of dwellings after a fire


Matiash A., Novokhatniy V., Kostenko S.

Analysis of flow capacity of the working water supply system


Kutnyi B., Novakh B.

Regenerative latent heat energy storage device for air supply ventilation unit


Ilchenko V., Mischenko R., Kozar V., Kozar L.

Operational quality control methods improvement for evenness of road pavement surface


Kariuk A., Savenko B.

Methods of evaluation of thermal behaviour of road pavements


Lytvynenko T.

Qualitative relationships of water migration in highway embankment clay soils


Khimeryk Т., Кrayushkina K., Bielyatynskii А.

Elimination of rutting as a way of enhacing the road pavement durability


Nalivaiko O., Ermakova I., Mangura A., Nalivaiko L., Reznichenko A.

Effect of Magnetic Field Equipment (MAU-1) on asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits


Pedchenko L., Pedchenko М.

Repository of gas hydrates


Savenko R., Lysenko M.

Operative manegement of powerful mining and transport complexes in iron-ore quarries


Kharchenko Yu., Kudinov O.

Automation calculation cost of products at enterprises in machine building industry


Redkin O., Paltsun O.

Organization and administration of construction projects completion processes and transition to their results usage period


Redkin O., Haryanova A.

New mechanisms to ensure quality and competitiveness of constraction


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